Friday, April 16, 2010

(First Post) Welcome to "Prophets of New"

Welcome to “Prophets of New

I speak of those men and women called by God Himself, who have responded to seek the Kingdom or God and His Righteousness via the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, who have given themselves to this calling and to the working out of their election of how they are to serve the Body of Christ as a whole to bring a Spiritual Unity among all Saints.

Ephes. 4:11-13 (KJV)
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
For what reason?

Ephes. 4:14 (KJV)
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

Now as brethren Beloved of Our Lord please extend you patience and self control while in Spirit and I will hope to extend you eternal Hope.

As Working Prophet , this Blog is for you and /or all these brethren whose interest is that of this Gift of God to those men an women to both serve and honor Him , but more so the “Those called Out Ones , as the Ekklesia , and or as we say the Word “Church”…and/ or any saint that is in need of a mature Word of God desiring an Righteous Understanding of why , not for what reason in that you desire to honor Our Lord ,Who is Jesus Christ, but have lost you Joy and you Peace because of some relational experience in which you know or was told to do, but cannot because they have not told you how to do it!

As Prophets of the New Covenant , that is having sought the Knowledge , Understanding , and Wisdom of What , When , and How we are to enter into this Unity , as a Spiritual Habitat as a “kingdom” in mind and spirit, manifesting the Joy, Peace , and Righteousness of Our Lord , Who is Jesus Christ , thereby producing Fruit in gathering to fellowship for Our Father in Heaven , which is His Will..I invite you to share here or to Blog = Being Loved of God.

Here I will work , and can say we will work on Our Election, in hope that it will bring a more righteous Understanding of What , When , and How the Apostles are to structure the fellowships of Our Lords Ekklesia , sothe Evangelists , where they find themselves can encourage others to engage other believers being cared for by pastors , in gathering together to receive Teaching , as to How the Holy Sprit will Honor the Presence of Christ , by manifesting the Gifts He will bring as He moves in and among all those humbling themselves having hosted the King.

New, because just as it happened historically to the Prophets of Old … “What the Gift of Prophet is, When the Gift is experience, and How the Gift was received leaves those who “standing up” to confess Christ as their Savior can be a major problem.

I say a major problem, because the Gift manifested as perception of God Righteousness is not that of the Apostle and far from that of a Pastor, Evangelist, and or Teacher in function.

New , because the new Covenant , unlike the Old Covenant /Testament would be a matter of Grace as opposed to Law, and when in effect, it would allow mankind to experience the Mercy of God as he experienced life , to keep his life by relating to themselves , others ,and God Himself presence of God as He ministered as the Only begotten Son of God among all those who responded in spirit to His Spirit, by Honoring the God Presence made possible by the in filling of the Holy Spirit.

Again, a major problem because:

For the perfecting of the saints the prophets are concerned with the character and or characteristics of individual and or groups of brethren, and not as apostles is that of what knowledge they have in structure themselves in a community to relate to them, with out the Revelation of Christ.

For the work of the ministry, the Prophet is gifted to both see and feel of all involved are honoring one another in character that is founded on the Law of God yes, but more so that all approach one another in the Name/character of Christ as it is Foundational for a righteous gathering in Spirit as opposed to a un-righteous meet of the minds, pleasing the Flesh.

For the edifying of the body of Christ the Prophets affirm, so as to confirm the Knowledge being shared is a matter of the doctrine of the Kingdom as opposed to some other gospel that could be used to form a powerless congregating of the of brethren via the Law of God, by observing the Understanding being shared, as a matter of Gods Wisdom, needed as edifying Grace.

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, because this unity is not found on the minds of man alone, but upon the presence in time and space of the Holy Spirit as He move among and within all the saint administering the individually and collectively those “revelations” that deliver and heal, renewing the brethrens minds enabling them to honor one another in Spirit, manifested as Righteousness.

John 16:8 (KJV)

And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

And of the knowledge of the Son of God, because the true Prophets understand if this freedom to Prophecy via the Presence of the holy Spirit, then no Gift of knowledge will be presented and if not presented by all and for all then they will be no revelation, and if not revelation, then no teaching by the Holy Spirit as to how to walk in the wisdom of God to manifest His Mercy among one another, foundation for the Love of the Father to be shared abroad.

Unto a perfect man, because the Prophet deal with the Presence and Power of God, he or she is very conscious of the consciences of the brethren being opened in love and not sealed in fear, manifesting their reverence Of our Lord presence to perfect the man or women in Spirit manifest as an open and teachable mind, able to act in Love as opposed to fear when relating to others, there by bearing up the Fruit that Father God desire in and among His Children..

This is oppose to some fleshly based Worldly Christianized approach using the Gentile based Humanistic wisdom that engages the mind of man via God Law to form un-righteous systems of religious assembling of the brethren to unify around what they think is a righteous stand for God.

Once “housed” then churched thereby manifesting what the thought is perfect man and women able to give reverence as an eternal witness to their Knowledge of Gods Word. Which also calls for holy managed office with a traditional education as pastor, manager the business of maintaining property invested in = an extern profile of Gods presence in a one a week event the event, all of which seems right on the outside, but false within their understand how to walk in the Holy Spirit manifesting a righteous approach to seek God Kingdom as oppose to same church, be respected by men, for men, in the fear of being rejected by mane if not found attending as and act of a mental unity.

Was “The Fullness of Chris” to become how many and how big Spiritual Leaders could build church house among the already divided tradition gentile Christians?

Unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ because the Prophet this like Likeness in how the brethren live their lives, manifesting a life-style, then it become a matter and manner of ones “stature”… manifesting one Stand to honor Christ as the Truth, the Way, and the Life, as He move among the His saints, there by also manifesting His Image.

As I shared above in the Blog…, this can be a problem , in that the Prophets both see and feel via his or her coning and going among the brethren , the fullness of one stature or height and if is based ones puffed up in knowledge status as a man or women of faith to Stand for Christ ..verses… one found in a stature of not only his or her knowledge of Christ, but the Godly Wisdom of Christ in their use to approach themselves , others and God Himself manifest as mature elders not given to strife and jealousy or pretentious ministering , trying to add to their stature , by staging themselves as respecter of persons, desiring to be respected by persons as personalities, that run to and fro in the Whirl-winds of his or her minds envisioning themselves as great pure white clouds that rise up above the land of the church to prophesy rain filled message of prosperity and/or and escape into heaven , so come and be involved in the Great End Time Revival , that will surly be a “sign” for the Gentiles as their own righteousness and wisdom?

But is, as we shall see via a prophetic perspective , the prophets of the Kingdom are seeing and feeling these prophets of the Gentile Churches area creating a storm all right but it will turn in a swirling mass of mental fear as a black destructive demon powered tornado trying going to and fro across the land to destroy any brethren that are “Gathering” outside the traditional churches to relate “within” the Kingdom of God breaking the bondages of the these Gentile churches that have come to the end of themselves as churches trying to live via the interpretation of the Law of God, but Men desiring to appease the government leaders of the land.

In closing : The Prophets of New can and will present a message of Hope, but in principle they are required to compare the up-right to the increasing un right ways of spiritual leaders via conservative or liberal mainline churches who appear to be the godly men and women , to warn , those the site as lost of the “Coming of the Lord” not stand via wisdom in accusing who the are ( unless thy make it a matter of public offence) to contrast the mental power used on the mind as false leaders using this ungodly wisdom persuade brethren into following their ways and discerning the times to site and persuade via historical or systematic knowledge about sanctification and salvation of the Bible , but void of understanding it wisdom as a matter of God Grace, all given to , of what Prophets of Old have prophesied of “What will happen in the “last days”. But never taking the time to give reason as to how God would have them repent from its anxiousness founded approach of preaching fear of God based on the Law and creeds of a particular church to obtain a reverence for Him

Now it is For the Prophets of New just as it was for the Prophets of Old, The Priest as Pastor and he “false prophets as Evangelists are prophesying :

“Trust in Churches, the Churches of God are with us! The churches of the Lord!”…

But it’s the Gentiles who are doing it now. And these are indeed lying words, of these folks given to support these modern day pastor as leader’s churches in having no wisdom via Godly Revelation and no choice but to be are found lobbying the government leaders to execute judgment between a man and his neighbor via their humanistic rights, let along question any medical help for the poor…

Jeremiah 7:4-7 (KJV)

Trust ye not in lying words, saying, The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord, are these. For if ye throughly amend your ways and your doings; if ye throughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor; If ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, neither walk after other gods to your hurt: Then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever.

And in the Self serving religious stand of Christ had no ideal that they are projecting a mindset that is manifested as a worshiping the church itself as being an external idols that has no agreement with those believers who have the understanding they are the temple or church being manifest on Earth because God, by the Power of the holy Spirit is living within them.

In principle it a lobbying the government for money the might have to give up , and at the same time preaching to the Lost if they would repent the God would prosper them and they would not have to have the Government by the people for the people do for the people thing…

2 Cor. 6:16 (KJV)

And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

My prophetic over view for the next year is and how many more there are left before the King returns is:

“You need to forget about the earth quakes coming because they are and can take you life, but not you soul, but repent of trying to abide and worship in the wrong place which can , so that Christ can abide in you!”

I speak her of honoring the prophets but more so the standing up of True Apostles of which I also invite to come and test my spirit and or judge my prophecies, because they will be in need or true prophets given to speak from the outside to the inside of these churches concerning these un-right ways false leaders; some of which know what there are doing is not of God and the others blind through deception all of which to feed their pride are ready day or night to come in and cause contention among the brethren of not being in God’s Will with a n authority over you… all in the guise in hopes of taking over you gathering and turn them into churches meetings just to secure their own identity as mentioned below.

2 Peter 2:17 (KJV)

These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.

Jude 1:12 (KJV)

These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;

Last…, take heed to the wisdom or the scripture below in that we are to grow in both stature and wisdom as one is foundation for the other. Having stature without wisdom, one can be deceived to think just because one gains favor with man, one is surly will the favor of God.

Luke 2:52 (KJV)

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

Please feel free to add and or take way as to balance what understanding I am sharing here. I will write so to speak… as I am led in Spirit as I mentioned above concerning all the “Prophetic Overviews” that will as a matter of righteousness speak as instructions as “Righteous Revelation” as received by all Prophets seeking and presenting the will of Our Lord for the Body of Christ, but do so here… as a line upon line and precept upon precept approach. And, it may be that I am slow to comment on any question or prophecy posted here, but be assured I will attend and appreciate them all in Spirit.

As Unto Our Lord, Who is Christ Jesus, I am thankful for all who visit here ….

Bro. Larry

1 comment:

  1. Hi Larry,

    You posted a comment on the Pastor's Anonymous Forum on OH some time ago re: "The Glass Pile" I continue to be intrigued by your response. If you feel so led, perhaps we could open a dialogue.

