Monday, January 21, 2013

Forgiveness is the Essence of the Power of God

Dear Friends... Whew... during and at the end of 2012 the "goings on" before the my family and in the Lord vai His Major Correction for me we a matter of Faith and more so my Faith in understanding the Love of Our Lord, Who is Christ Jesus. So in that same Love I am in hope of forgiveness from all reading here. In my Hope I found myself mentally and physically tested one could say, but at the age of 69 and beat up, I was given to obey Our Lord in the Way I was proceeding as a servant. Like many of us I found myself caught up in helping folks who like myself were given to Seek First the Kingdom of God and the Joy of what we could do seemed very good, but due to giving my word to help, I found my self backing up and out of an agreement in which I was assured my part was both needed and my only request was lost. How this was lost, I forgiven on my part, but then I was slow to see, how my request having been lost would become a major offence to those who were sure the concepts considered were a matter of God's leading them into a better way as the Way of God to call for a new movement concerning the "new" and growing transition form millions out of all manners of both old and new tradition Christian Church Organization and new and old Evangelical Contemporary and modern Church movements and ministries. I am sure all reading here could and does understand one of the leading forums presenting these changes from an external Christian Way to and internal Seeking of the Kingdom of God was those sharing freely on the Open Heaven Forum.Com. It was here via this personal offence on how I was proceeding to give Prophetic Explanations , that is among those in whom I was sharing, I could understand how it was I had and was given to "break the rule of time" ,but was not surprised when my manner of sharing was made light off and then told it was an offence, but it was not I who had made the final agreement to host such an open conversation about what would be the Way Our Lord would proceed in and among the Prophets to establish what was being called a "Revival". First I said there , according to the wisdom Our Lord had presented to me as a Prophetic Understanding no new Revivals or movement would come about, but what would come about was not a new way of thing, but the understanding as a Godly Understanding of an Old but Righteous Way that had occurred at the time of "Pentecost" This was a matter of Truth when a major gathering was planed in which many of those ministers who had Revelation Knowledge indeed gathered ,but due to their inability to "wait" so as to have one on one sharing of waht to do ,the meeting became a matter of confusion. Some of course stayed and prayed, sighting thire repentance. On my part I wanted to attend this meeting ,but when before Our Lord He did not allw me to go. Once more , it was after this event I was approached about my way of sharing and I of course ask for forgiveness and was givne the same but in word only, because when I desire to work out how this had come about , I was shumed vai the old and effective way of folks going silent , which is another way of telling you they were not intrested in testing and judging how the offence would be understood. Here I admitt I was confused and felt the full powere of Satan accusations against me concerning my so called wordy appraoch, with no considiration for sharing among other, thery by taking over. How ever as a matter of my consciousness I was just answering the question for those desiring to know how it was all were miiistering "now " they hade departed from waht was waht was though at on time to be a powerful (inthe Sprit) approach vai the leading of the Holy Spirit; When no one else seemed to step up with a complete prophetic explanation of how this so called "Spirit Filled Approch: on one of Love. In truth being in the Sprit was an attempt to be Loving , but untruthful because it was note a matter of worshiping Our Fathr in Heaven in "both" the Spirit and the Truth. In this enviroment , it had became a matter of an un-righteous way of pretensions way of enduring many of the offences that were occurring both in and out of any kind of church ,ministries , and home of those saying with their mouth (praise) they love you and the Lord ,but within their hearts or Kardia's (Greek) they were fearful of causing any problems for their so called Pastoral Leaders, friends and family = avoiding the "reins" of God over their consciousness to go to those (according to scripture and work out the offence. This if were to become a one on one affair, then if that did not work set down and work out the problem with tow other witness( so among those trusted folks some kind or reconciliation would occur, and then if that di not work to take the offence before the whole church, would, has and will continues to happen "terrorize" a preacher /pastor because they have no wisdom to acknowledge any Revelation they might receive ,because it would expose their own iniquities or fear about the confessing of sins. In short, and via my experience of working with battered, abused, and abandoned children I would have submitted my self to an elderly correction and tried to use self control ,so as to go back and be accepted ( no rejected)in hope of manifesting my desire to love as Our Lord ..loves. But. before our Lord I found myself overcome by His presence with a capital "P" and responded with: "What is it that you would have me do Lord?" And , it was here He called me to come away form this way of presenting those Prophetic Revelations of His Understanding I had came to joy in and had peace about. In other words I was quick to understand that He had opened a door for a season and now He was shutting it, because it was during this time I had and would learn that the way I was proceeding was "not His Way". In Truth it was in part His Way, but now I was being called aside to be and bring a correction after I had understood His Reproof that had every thing to do with His Teaching, in that I was able to both hear and present what and when as knowledge He was showing me. However I was being allowed by Him to experience the Truth, that I did not fully understand how to proceed in that knowledge , because I had given over to following this new so called Spiritual Transition our of a Traditional Church Mindset to the Seeking of the Kingdom of God and .....More so It's= His Righteousness! However via His grace I was allowed to go back twice to share ( the best I could)(knowing I could not write well) and share a six partprophetic explanation of what He was showing me , then I was to stop and proceed to minister in via a new way - His Way so that waht I was given would be to those who would take the time so as to test the spirit of my prophecy and judge it's wisdom on a "One by One" or One on one ,up close and personal relationship with me. I off course prayer for His mercy upon me, because it was at this time the enemy was allowed to approach me, and it was only by the Grace of Our Lord that I survived,but like the Apostle Paul my weakness and Our Lords Mercy I was able to study the matter. And even then I was slow and being very sick at one time I ask Him for a sign. This is something I felt was wrong, but then I received a call form Bonnie's Sister Linda, that her granddaughter had had a Dream. And it seemed to here that here pastoral oversight had not responded to it, so she was led to call me. When I received it I was overcome in the Spirit as to the Pure, and wonderfully put question that 12 year old Chloie has ask ( in the Dream) to her Grandmother whom she called "Oma". Overwhelmed because in the Dream was a (my) clear understanding of "what" Our Lord had as me to do, so I was able in the peace and joy of the Lord to interpret the deep meaning of the Dream = Is Heaven Still There?" In this joy it was if Our Lord knew my desire to share it with those in whom I had shared the six part prophetic overview on the Open Heaven Website via the forum Voices of Prophesy. However when doing so I was shown that not one person would respond. then it came to me as a matter of my correction, that due to the lack of my ability to share this ( so as to illustrate it meaning) it would not be understood and even if it was ,there was no confidence among those there to take the time to write me (post) back and question so as to test it of judge it's meaning. It was here then, that I saw what , when and how this distance , separated and fare reaching traditional way of sharing prophecy was a matter of the rudiments, basic,and elementary way of preaching from a place above the people, so as to eliminate and relation questioning to the leader to test his knowledge and authority to influence his or her followers. In other words this was the wisdom of the Gentile's way to lord-over any religion, or political opposition to the way they had contrived to an ekklesia or ecclesia or church of a community gathered to question what may be an offence in a community and was the first wisdom to be used to establish a democracy. Here then is and still is the way all traditional churches end up and loses it ability to function according to the Teaching of Christ for His apostles to establish His personally involved communities in which when the Host of any ( with as little as tow or three) family gathered to invite the Living Christ via the Holy Spirit experience the Power of the Holy spirits Gift and gifts of Christ to establish the "unity" of God's Love in which all attending would have the opportunity to have their mind renewed and strengthened for the self control of sharing knowledge without being offended. Here I will stop and allow all that might be led here including the "eight friends I have who have desire to "follow" me in my seeking of the Truth, having known some of them up-close and personal, and those I have made friends fro afar, in whom I believe are relating to me as a matter of faith, because you are working very hard on your own calling and election ( Romans 12)... And I will return here in a few days as what I will share with those who return what is a very simple Way of God, but incredibly complicated and contested way Satan's doe not want any to believe he has created to deceive mankind, into thinking it is a matter of God grace only to just share the Knowledge of God and His Will will be done. In Him, who is Our Lord Jesus Christ I will pray for all coming here and In His Hope ask you prayers for me and my family as a matter of our Hope, to learn to love as Our lord and Our Father is teaching us to do and the manifestation of His Righteousness. Larry & Bonnie...